Four Pillars of Community Schools
In order to achieve transformational student outcomes, The California Community Schools Partnership Program (CCSPP) Framework leans heavily on the four established pillars of the community schools movement. Current statute regarding the CCSPP aligns well with the research. Specifically, community schools are defined in statute as public schools with “strong and intentional community partnerships ensuring pupil learning and whole child and family development,” including the following features:
Integrated Student Support
- Meeting academic, physical, social-emotional and mental health needs
- Coordination of trauma-informed health, mental health, and social services
"Students must be well-known so that they can be well-served."
Extended Learning Time and Opportunities
- Academic support, enrichment, and real-world learning opportunities
- Before and after school care and summer programs
- “Extended” learning and “expanded” learning
- Tutoring and other learning supports during the traditional school day
Collaborative Leadership Practices for Educators and Administrators
- Culture of professional learning, collective trust, and shared responsibility for outcomes
- Professional development to support mental and behavioral health, trauma-informed care, social-emotional learning, restorative justice, and other key areas.
- Dedicated staff to support and facilitate partnerships, and discover professional development opportunities to build capacity for collaborative education and community leadership structures and practices
Family and Community Engagement
- Actively tapping the expertise and knowledge of family and community members to serve as true partners
- Home visits, home-school collaboration, culturally responsive community partnerships
- Develop trusting, inclusive, and collaborative relationships with families and community members
“If it is not developed with us, it is not for us.”